Monday, August 15, 2016

Popular Culture Blog

What is popular culture, and what does it mean to you?

Popular culture is culture based on the collection of ideas, thoughts, attitudes, images preferred by the mainstream population. It is the contemporary lifestyle and items that are well known and generally accepted, cultural patterns that are widespread within a population. This can be the music we listen, the clothes we buy, the hair color and style of hair we wear, because they are the trend that is in right now, the most popular movie that is showing today. 

Why is an understanding of popular culture relevant to you in a business environment and in your present and future career?

Understanding popular culture is very relevant in a business environment today.  If your business sells merchandise to the mass population it is critical to know what people are interested in or want these days because it helps decide how to market the product or service offered. A business staying up to date with the popular culture can be the difference in staying in business or going out of business or how well a business performs and how profitable a business is for a time period. Also, Human Resource departments must understand popular culture in creating policies such as dress code because of the age and talent of employees the company is trying to attract.

What would you consider to be an example of a pop culture artifact? And why would you choose it? 

I chose the XBox One as my pop culture artifact. I chose this because today this video game system is very popular and there are many kids as well as and adults alike who own a XBox One system. What fascinates me the most is that not only do kids love to play the Xbox One but also adults plan nights to play this game interactively through the internet. So not only game you play games on Xbox One but you can also access Netflix, Facebook and watch movies. So it is more than just a system to play games.  


  1. I think you did a good job and hit the hammer on the nail about how popular cultural is important to business environment. The xbox is an excellent pop culture artifact because its an all in one system. It allow you to meet new people from different states and countries. It definitely allow the popular cultural to be spread world wide with having to but a lot of money and energy into it

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog. I agree that a business needs to be in tune with the current fads to appeal to the majority of consumers. Successful companies sell their product to the majority of people. Creating a product that consumers need and want is dependent, on popular culture. I know your artifact focuses on one game system but, see how gaming is a huge trend in popular culture. The whole "gaming" world appeals to all ages and really impacts the electronic consumer world. I do not know much about the Xbox 1 but, do think the general gaming system makes for a great artifact.
